Sunday, December 21, 2008

Easy Money For Teens - Top 3 Ways For Teens to Make Money

Go to Easy Ways for Teen to Make Money

It is no doubt that there is no easy money for teens. Basically, no one will probably pay you more than minimum wage because you have no experience. If you do get a job it will probably be part time and you will have to go to work after school and wear the uniform that you probably have to buy. Let me tell you, there is a way to make easy money for teens.

Here are the top 3 ways for teens to make easy money

1. Look through all of your old toys, video games, and clothes and start selling them on ebay or other auction sites. Go to a garage sale and buy a bunch of stuff for really cheap and then sell it on ebay. One of my friends actually bought a book about a baseball team that turned out to be worth over $100. He bought it for $0.25 at a garage sale!

2. Start a blog. You can get free blogs at or Write about your favorite things. Tell all of your friends and family about your blog so you will have readers. If you blog often people will come back often to read about what you are writing.

3. This is the best one. Affiliate Marketing. This can be easy money for teens, actually for anyone. If you are motivated to make money then you will. Where most people fail is that they have no plan or guide in place to help them along the way.

My suggestion is to start with one of these, probably affiliate marketing is easiest, and learn all you can about the subject. Just imagine, you go off to college and while your friends are out working their crappy part time jobs you are sitting in your dorm room making $100 or more every single day on the Internet! It does happen. Make your move.

For more information visit easy money for teens and also check out how people make money on squidoo

Visit Easy Ways for Teen to Make Money

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